凯岸国际教育集团(KAIAN EDUCATION COMPANY LLC),是一家全球化布局以国际教育为主的运营单位。全球总部位于美国西雅图,中国总部位于深圳,是在中国政府和美国政府双重注册批准的教育集团。集团自创立以来,专注于在全球投建、合作及管理运营各类实体院校,同时也是美国威睿达思国际教育集团以及美国洛杉矶Oak Crest Academy高中官方授权,开展全球业务的指定单位。
KAIAN EDUCATION COMPANY LLC is a global group specializing in international education. The global headquarters is in Seattle, US, and the Chinese
headquarters is located in Shenzhen, China. KAIAN Education is an education group registered with both Chinese and the US government.
Since its establishment, the group has focused on the global cooperation, management and operation of Colleges and Universities. It is also authorized
by Veritas International Vocational Middle School and Oak Crest Academy to carry out global education business.
Currently, Veritas Collegiate Academy as KAIAN EDUCATION’s sub-brand, has established 18 schools in global. Located in Fairfax in Virginia (USA),
Chesapeake city (USA), Springfield (USA), Washington (USA), Budapest (Hungary), Jacarta (Indonesia), Seoul (South Korea), Bangkok (Thailand), Shanghai
(China), Shenzhen (China), Beijing (China), Shaoxing (China), Kunshan (China), Suzhou (China) and Zhengzhou (China).
At the same time, KAIAN International Education Company is also committed to providing students with high-end customized academic planning, study
exchange, global internship and comprehensive one-stop academic management services.
凯岸国际教育(KAIAN Education)旨在引进一流的多元化教育体系,提供美国游学、美国高端留学申请、协调、建立和管理国际学校(国际部)、在美实习就业和海外移民等一站式服务。对于追求精英教育与极致生活品质的您,凯岸将是您最佳的境外服务管家。助您至顶峰,护您至彼岸!